About Hard + Core


A good workout for me combines exercises I like and can do well with exercises I’m not good at, that feel frustrating and expose those places in me where I don’t have natural ability.  Both are hard, but in different ways - the first is hard because I can attack it with maximum effort.  The second is hard because I have to fight through something awkward and uncomfortable.  What exercises fit which category will differ for each individual: one person will like pushups and handstands but will resist exploring backbends.  Another may focus on arms and legs but ignore abs.

The classes here cast a wide net in the exercises offered, to ensure that each person will have to fully engage both of these experiences of hard.  It is only by developing our ability in both these dimensions that we will become truly balanced as physical beings.


Everyone loosely knows what the core is, but learning how to use it concretely as a support for difficult exercises can be a challenge.  The instruction in these classes will help you learn how to initiate any kind of challenging movement from the core through detailed focus on form and technique.  Once you have developed a deeper connection to your core, you will build a better sense of how to push yourself intelligently though hard exercises without getting injured.

Plank Opp Arm Leg.jpg