
Two 90 minute online classes are taught each week.  The first class is slower in tempo with more emphasis on explanation and form.  The second class roughly repeats the sequencing of the first class, but is conducted at a faster pace and with less instruction.  This progression will help you learn how to organize under circumstances where speed and fatigue challenge the ability to maintain core connection.

The types of exercises and sequencing vary considerably week by week.  Certain themes appear in all classes - ab work, weight bearing, full body work, etc., but the specific exercises within these themes changes constantly.  Any exercise that can be done without equipment is potential fodder for exploration in class.

Classes are $15. If you know you want to take both classes in a given week, you can get them for $25.


I use props in class, but I don’t like people having to buy a lot of crap, so I keep it simple - elastic/therabands, two yoga blocks, and dumbbells/wrist weights.  I will list the props I will be using for each week’s classes ahead of time on the sign up page.


Recordings of classes are available if you can’t take the class live or want to review anything from a class you have taken - just click the box on the sign up page when you sign up for class.

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Class Sign-up